
Idaho River Rafting, The American Safari Adventure!

Family river rafting on the Middle Fork

Idaho Rafting on The Middle Fork of the Salmon

Join Far and Away, Rafting the Middle Fork of the Salmon river is the most prized wilderness river trip in North America, if not world.  Far and Away adds a unique, multi-dimensional luxury component to the Middle Fork experience, making it a trip-of-a-lifetime, a truly memorable and comfortable experience for your family and friends.

The Middle Fork was one of the original eight national wild and scenic rivers protected by Congress in 1968 because it’s in a league all of its own.  It flows 100 miles through dozens of thrilling rapids, deep turquoise pools full of native cutthroat trout and towering granite cliffs in the Impassible Canyon.  On the banks of the Middle Fork, spacious wooded and beach-front campsites are oh-so-relaxing as a gentle breeze hums a tune through stately pines that can be heard only in the wilderness quietude.

Idaho Rafting on the Bruneau River

It’s a good thing that Far & Away Adventures offers trips on the Bruneau River, or certainly, you’d never hear about it.  It’s one of the best-kept secrets of all the great multi-day wilderness river trips in America, and definitely one of the most spectacular.

The Bruneau River became a national wild and scenic river in 2009 as part of an Owyhee Canyonlands wilderness bill, which also protected the Bruneau Canyon from rim to rim.  After experiencing the Bruneau, we’re sure you’ll agree that the canyon is deserving of full protection. In fact, if it were located in a place like Kansas, it’d probably be a national park.

Idaho Rafting on the Owyhee River

Our five-day Owyhee river trips follow a nice and relaxed pace, similar to a conversation with an Owyhee country buckaroo.  You’ll be mesmerized by the red rock cliffs, spires and mysterious caves that line the river, freshwater springs weeping from the canyon walls, and hooded mergansers leap-frogging from one river eddy to the next.

The Owyhee River offers a real chance for personal adventure.  You’ll paddle an inflatable kayak or an open canoe and experience nature in a truly intimate setting in the Owyhee Canyon.  We’ll have time for side hiking in secret slot canyons and fun rock scrambles to awe-inspiring views of the big wide open Owyhee Plateau – 12,000 square miles of open space.

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